

Creative Brainstorming | Tools for Group Thinking | Discussion Platform

  • img Participants10 - 250
  • img LocationIndoor & Outdoor
  • img Activity length1.5-2.5 Hours

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    BrainStorm Smart Round Table

    Creative Brainstorming | Tools for Group Thinking | Discussion Platform


    Studies show the significance and benefits of collaborative learning. In fact, collaborative learning significantly elevates the level of peer interaction and participation and allows a longer time for reflection and establishing a viewpoint. We believe that engaging in brainstorming activity helps with discussing challenges, projects and interfaces in a way that encourages the participants to reach insight based decisions and high quality results.

    Brainstorm is a platform suitable for seminars / round table thinking workshops /offsite which

    Integrates and manages the dynamics in a playful creative and engagingly way. The secret of the activity is about allowing every member of the group to express themselves (even the shy ones) while keeping things interesting and focused. The outcome of this activity will be in the form of opinions, approaches, different perspectives, objections and innovative ideas that will be used to create and build a culture that enables and encourages beneficial and enriching conversations.

    The Data and the results are stored directly into a secure data base. The activity outcomes are collected and presented systematically while emphasizing insights and outstanding trends.

    How is this going to work?

    Prior to the activity, we will have a brief preparatory discussion with Quala’s organizational development team of experts and the organization’s managers. The discussion will focus on the desired achievements alongside the challenges faced by the teams and the organization.

    The activity will be supported by a specially designed website that presents the questions digitally and innovatively, tracks time and manages the discussions in an experiential way.


    More Details
    • img Duration: 2-5 hours
    • img There is no restriction on the number of participants

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      סוגרים דייט

      נקבע תאריך ושעה (ביום האירוע נגיע 45 דקות לפני תחילתו)

      מכינים את השטח

      ביום האירוע נפרוס את הערכות על גבי השולחנות ונכין את הקרקע לקראת הפעילות

      GAME ON

      מתחלקים לקבוצות של 7-9 אנשים

      סיכום קצר

      בתום המשחק נסכם את הפעילות ונכריז על מנצחים

      נפרדים (באופן זמני)

      כמו כל דבר טוב, גם זה חייב להיגמר, אבל רק עד לפעם הבאה

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      Let's work together!

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          Contact us Thank you for reaching out to us! img One of our Quala team members will get back to you shortly. Meanwhile we wish you a fun and exciting day! img